- كومبتيا للحوسبة السحابية +CompTIA Cloud Essentials

- كومبتيا للحوسبة السحابية +CompTIA Cloud Essentials

60 hours .
-:program overview
In this course, you will learn how to implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies including network, storage, and virtualization
Technologies to create cloud solutions.
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-:program Outline

• Unit 1: Preparing to Deploy Solutions •

 Unit 2: Deploying Pilot Project •

 Unit 3: Testing Pilot Project Deployments •

 Unit 4: Designing Pilot Project Deployments • 

Unit 5: Designing and Implementing a Secure Cloud Environment •

 Unit 6: Planning, Identifying and Access Management for Cloud Deployments •

 Unit 7: Determining CPU and Memory sizing for Cloud Deployments • 

Unit 8: Determining Storage Requirements for Cloud Deployments • 

Unit 9: Analyzing Work load characteristics to Ensure Success Full migration •

 Unit 10: Marinating Cloud systems •

 Unit 11: Implementing backup, restore, disaster recovery, and business continuity measures • 

Unit 12: Analyzing cloud systems for performance •

 Unit 13: Analyzing cloud systems for Anomalies and Growth Forecasting •

 Unit 14: Troubleshooting Deployment, capacity, Automation, and Orchestration Issues •

 Unit 15: Troubleshooting connectivity Issues •

 Unit 16: Troubleshooting Security Issues . 

Target Audience: -

This course is designed for IT professionals who wish to develop cloud computing skills to enable them to move IT workloads to the cloud and integrate products and services from different provide industriousness .Their focusistoen sure that clouded ployments are secure, that automationandorchestrationareusedeffectivelytobringbusinessvaluefromthecloud,andthatcostsarecontrolledthrougheffectivemanagementofcloudvendors